This space is dedicated to my great joy in Ham Radio. Here you will find the things in Ham Radio I enjoy most
I have links to my projects and some non ham related things. I will be updating this in an on going fashion!!

I try to work as much of the 10 and 6 meter openenings as possible. I am fascinated with ATV, I like FM TV best. I am designing a Digital ATV Transmitter. I build all my own exotic gear, TV transmitters and Transverters.

Where I can be found:

BandFrequency Mode
40m7150 Khz LSB
10m28.400 Mhz USB
6m52.525 MhzFM
50.130 Mhz USB
2m146.520 Mhz FM
223223.5 Mhz FM
432432.1 Mhz USB
900927.500 Mhz FM
915 Mhz FM ATV
12001296.1 Mhz USB
1241.250 Mhz Digital ATV
1252 Mhz FM ATV
23002304.1 Mhz USB
3456not operational at this time
5760 not operational at this time
10 Ghz10368 Mhz USB